* Add an Admin Certification Photo workflow where we can request the user to
upload a secondary form of ID (government issued photo ID showing their
face and date of birth).
* An admin rejection option can request secondary photo ID.
* It sends a distinct e-mail to the user apart from the regular rejection email
* It flags their cert photo as "Secondary Needed" forever: even if the user
removes their cert photo and starts from scratch, it will immediately request
secondary ID when uploading a new primary photo.
* Secondary photos are deleted from the server on both Approve and Reject by
the admin account, for user privacy.
* If approved, a Secondary Approved=true boolean is stored in the database. This
boolean is set to False if the user deletes their cert photo in the future.
* Add a transparency page where regular user accounts can list the roles and
permissions that an admin user has access to. It is available by clicking on
the "Admin" badge on that user's profile page.
* Add additional admin scopes to lock down more functionality:
* User feedback and reports
* Change logs
* User notes and admin notes
* Add friendly descriptions to what all the scopes mean in practice.
* Don't show admin notification badges to admins who aren't allowed to act on
those notifications.
* Update the admin dashboard page and documentation for admins.
* Dark theme fixes to brighten notification colors on mobile
* Add change log buttons around various pages to easily look into the history
of an object in the database:
* User profile page ('about user' and user table history links)
* User friends page
* User/Site gallery page (history of all (user) photos)
* Admin insights page (comments, threads, and blocklist history)
* Admin certification page (history of a user's cert photos)
* Comment history buttons on forums and photos
Users whose accounts are no longer eligible to be in the chat room will be
disconnected immediately from chat when their account status changes.
The places in nonshy where these disconnects may happen include:
* When the user deactivates or deletes their account.
* When they modify their settings to mark their profile as 'private,' making
them become a Shy Account.
* When they edit or delete their photos in case they have moved their final
public photo to be private, making them become a Shy Account.
* When the user deletes their certification photo, or uploads a new cert photo
to be reviewed (in both cases, losing account certified status).
* When an admin user rejects their certification photo, even retroactively.
* On admin actions against a user, including: banning them, deleting their
user account.
Other changes made include:
* When signing up an account and e-mail sending is not enabled (e.g. local
dev environment), the SignupToken is still created and logged to the console
so you can continue the signup manually.
* On the new account DOB prompt, add a link to manually input their birthdate
as text similar to on the Age Gate page.
* On a user gallery page: if the current user can not see their default
profile pic (friends-only or private), include a notice and link to
the FAQ about this.
* Add a new placeholder avatar for profile pics that are set to
"Inner circle only" when viewed by members outside the circle.
* Add a Search page to the forums to filter by user ID and find threads and
replies matching your search terms, with "quoted phrases" and -negation
* On user profile pages, add an "Activity" box showing statistics on their
forum threads/comments, likes given/received, photo counts, etc.
* On the "Newest" and Search page for Forums: show an indicator whenever a
post includes an attached photo.
* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
* Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
will not count unread messages the user can't access.
* Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
* Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
* The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
discover any members on the site.
New feature: User Notes
* Add a "Notes" tab to user profile pages and galleries.
* Users can create one private note about another user.
* Admins can see all notes left about a user.
* Admins also see Feedback & Reports regarding the user on that page.
Bring back the online chatters list
* The Usernames are filtered down based on blocklist status.
* Signup: if entering an existing email, don't admit that the email
exists. Instead, send a specialized email to its address.
* Search: no longer search for users by email address.
* Login: always hash the incoming password on user not found, to take
constant time compared to when the user did exist.
* Fix a pagination bug when a private (shy account) views a non-friend's
photo gallery.
* On user profile pages and gallery: the total photo count for the user
will only include photos that the viewer can actually see (taking into
account friendship and private grants), so that users won't harass
each other to see the additional photos that aren't visible to them.
* On the member directory search: the photo counts will only show public
photos on their page for now, and may be fewer than the number of
photos the current user could actually see.
* Blocklist: you can now manually add a user by username to your block
list. So if somebody blocked you on the site and you want to block
them back, there is a way to do this.
* Friends: you can now directly unfriend someone from their profile
page by clicking on the "Friends" button. You get a confirmation
popup before the remove friend action goes through.
* Bugfix: when viewing a user's gallery, you were able to see their
Friends-only photos if they granted you their Private photo access,
even if you were not their friend.
* Bugfix: when uploading a new private photo, instead of notifying
everybody you granted access to your privates it will only notify
if they are also on your friend list.
Added the ability to delete or clear notifications.
* A "Clear all" button deletes them all (with confirmation)
* A "Remove" button on individual notifications (one confirmation per
page load, so you can remove several without too much tedium)
Fix some things regarding private photo notifications:
* When notifying your existing grants about a new upload, only users who
opt-in for Explicit are notified about Explicit private pictures.
* When revoking private grants, clean up the "has uploaded a new private
photo" notifications for all of your pics from their notification
* Add they/them as example pronouns on the Edit Profile page and make
the examples clickable to fill them in easily.
* When viewing a photo gallery and you opt-out of explicit, have a link
to your settings page to opt-in.
* Update the rules on the homepage and signup page.
* Add a notice on DM pages about the privacy policy and TOS.
* Refactor the Settings page into a tabbed UI to reduce confusion with
all the different forms and save buttons
* Add a DM Privacy setting to your page
* Update the About page
* Users with private profiles or no public photo at all are considered
to be Shy Accounts and are isolated from the non-shy profiles.
* Restrictions include:
* Site Gallery shows only them + their friends' photos.
* User Galleries: must be a friend or had private photos granted to
see a user's gallery page.
* DMs: can not initiate a DM to a non-shy member (other shy members