Allow regular (non-admin) users access to the Manage Forums page so they can
create and manage their own forums.
Things that were already working:
* The admin forum page was already anticipating regular LoginRequired credential
* Users only see their owned forums, while admins can see and manage ALL forums
Improvements made to the Forum Admin page:
* Change the title color from admin-red to user-blue.
* Add ability to search (filter) and sort the forums.
Other changes:
* Turn the Forum tab bar into a reusable component.
* Dark theme fixes to brighten notification colors on mobile
* Add change log buttons around various pages to easily look into the history
of an object in the database:
* User profile page ('about user' and user table history links)
* User friends page
* User/Site gallery page (history of all (user) photos)
* Admin insights page (comments, threads, and blocklist history)
* Admin certification page (history of a user's cert photos)
* Comment history buttons on forums and photos
* Add a Search page to the forums to filter by user ID and find threads and
replies matching your search terms, with "quoted phrases" and -negation
* On user profile pages, add an "Activity" box showing statistics on their
forum threads/comments, likes given/received, photo counts, etc.
* On the "Newest" and Search page for Forums: show an indicator whenever a
post includes an attached photo.
* Add endpoint /go/comment?id= that finds the right page that a comment
can be seen on for the current user and redirects there.
* Resolves issues with link discrepancies in comment notifications, if
the recipient sees different page numbers depending on blocklist
* Supports copyable permalinks to any comment on the site reliably.
* Add a way for users to temporarily deactivate their accounts, in a
recoverable way should they decide to return later.
* A deactivated account may log in but have limited options: to
reactivate their account, permanently delete it, or log out.
* Fix several bugs around the display of comments, messages and
forum threads for disabled, banned, or blocked users:
* Messages (inbox and sentbox) will be hidden and the unread indicator
will not count unread messages the user can't access.
* Comments on photos and forum posts are hidden, and top-level threads
on the "Newest" tab will show "[unavailable]" for their text and
* Your historical notifications will hide users who are blocked, banned
or disabled.
* Add a "Friends" tab to user profile pages, to see other users' friends.
* The page is Certification Required so non-cert users can't easily
discover any members on the site.
* Add the PollVotes table and associated logic.
* Multiple choice polls supported.
* Expiring and non-expiring polls.
* Icons and badges on the forum pages to show posts with polls
* Bugfix: non-explicit users getting SQL errors on Newest Posts page.
Got initial Poll table and UI started:
* Polls can be attached to any NEW forum post (can't edit poll details
after creation)
* Max 100 options (theoretically unlimited), expiration time.
* UI: shows radio button list on posts having a poll, no submit handler
yet created.
* Add support to upload a picture to forum posts and replies, in forums that
have the PermitPhotos setting enabled.
* New DB table: CommentPhoto holds the association between a photo and a
forum ID. Photos can be uploaded at preview time (before a CommentID is
available) and get associated to the CommentID on save.
* Cron endpoint /v1/comment-photos/remove-orphaned can clean up orphaned
photos without a CommentID older than 24 hours.
* Add "Photo Boards" as a default forum category for new boards.
* Enhance user experience replying to a forum thread. An inline reply textarea
is added to page footers, "Quote" buttons on posts will quote the markdown
source and focus the reply textarea, and "Reply" buttons will put an
"@ mention" and focus the reply textarea. Users with scripts disabled will
still be sent to the regular reply page as before.
* Improve all pagers by adding a "QueryPlus" template function that merges the
page number with other current query parameters.
* Fix private profile picture avatars not displaying in your Notifications for
profile pics you're allowed to see.
* Users who set their Profile Picture to "friends only" or "private" can have
their avatar be private all over the website to users who are not their
friends or not granted access.
* Users who are not your friends see a yellow placeholder avatar, and users
not granted access to a private Profile Pic sees a purple avatar.
* Admin users see these same placeholder avatars most places too (on search,
forums, comments, etc.) if the user did not friend or grant the admin. But
admins ALWAYS see it on their Profile Page directly, for ability to moderate.
* Fix marking Notifications as read: clicking the link in an unread notification
now will wait on the ajax request to finish before allowing the redirect.
* Update the FAQ
* Add a "Newest" tab to the Forums landing page to order ALL forum posts
(comments) by most recent, paginated.
* Add a "Views" cooldown in Redis: viewing the same post multiple times
within 1 hour doesn't ++ the view count with every page load, per user
per thread ID.
* Update the paginators to handle unlimited numbers of pages: shows max
7 page buttons with your current page towards the middle.
* General ability to jump to the "last page" of anything: use a negative
page size like ?page=-1 and it acts like the last page.
* Add "Like" buttons to comments and forum posts.
* Make "private" profiles more private (logged-in users see only their profile
pic, display name, and can friend request or message, if they are not approved
friends of the private user)
* Add "logged-out view" visibility setting to profiles: to share a link to your
page on other sites. Opt-in setting - default is login required to view your
public profile page.
* CSRF cookie fix.
* Updated FAQ & Privacy pages.
* Add ability to (un)subscribe from comment threads on Forums and Photos.
* Creating a forum post, replying to a post or adding a comment to a photo
automatically subscribes you to be notified when somebody else adds a
comment to the thing later.
* At the top of each comment thread is a link to disable or re-enable your
subscription. You can join a subscription without even needing to comment.
If you click to disable notifications, they stay disabled even if you
add another comment later.
* Add permalink URL for photos to view their comment threads.
* Commenters can Edit or Delete their own comments.
* Photo owners can Delete any comment on it.
* Update Privacy Policy